Summary Licensed operators decide to withhold 25 % of charity funds BGC’s plan has been criticized by government officials Pressure grows on the government to impose a statutory levy on gambling firms GambleAware will no longer be in charge of 100% of the funds donated by the UK betting industry intended for tackling gambling harm....
Summary England and Wales to screen criminals for gambling harm The UK does not have stats of crimes linked to problem gambling Licensed operators urged to do more to protect players The UK continues to delay publishing a White Paper that is designed to make radical changes to the 2005 Gaming Act. Anti-gambling opponents continue...
Summary The UKGC will be part of the Consumer Protection Zone at ICE London 2023 UKGC presence will turn the spotlight on player protection ICE London 2023 takes place from February 7-9 at ExCel London The UK Gambling Commission (UKGC) will be among 20 entities that will participate in the Consumer Protection Zone (CPZ) exhibit...
Summary Michael Dugher said problem gamblers must be the main focus of gambling reform He reiterated that strict measures will push more people to the black market Dugher made the statements ahead of the upcoming publication of the White Paper With the publication of the Gambling Act Review White Paper looming, Michael Dugher, Chief Executive...
Summary Just 3 in 10 think health messaging on betting products are effective Only 8% of participants support a ban on promotions and free bets BGC reiterates draconian measures will only lead customers to the unregulated black market The general public in the UK are not convinced about placing compulsory health warnings on betting products...
Summary The UK PM is giving his all-out support to tough measures aimed at curbing online gambling Rishi Sunak is reportedly pushing for the publication of the Gambling Review in 2022 Among the measures set to be implemented are stake limits and customer affordability checks Stringent measures to curb online gambling have reportedly gained the...
Summary A huge number of inmates were gambling in prison, some of them were problem gamblers Winning prizes, finding excitement, and relieving boredom were stated as common reasons 19% resorted to borrowing money from other prisoners to support their gambling habit Gambling is rampant in UK prisons, with some inmates seeing it as a “normal...
Summary The new study found that 31% of young people gambled in 2021, down from 37% in 2020 That decline shows that tougher gambling restrictions are working in the UK The UKGC noted though that 0.9% of young people are still identified as problem gamblers The UK Gambling Commission (UKGC) released its latest report on...
Summary The DfE allowed a screening company to use the LRS database for age verification UK gambling operators use the database to verify whether customers are of legal age The DfE was formally reprimanded by the ICO but escaped a £10M fine The Department for Education (DfE) has been reprimanded for breaching data protection laws...
Summary ASA pulls up Lottoland for misleading online gambling ads ASA said the ads made it appear like Lottoland was offering a lottery service instead of betting Lottoland agreed to make changes to the ads but they weren’t applied due to 3rd party issues The UK’s Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has upheld a complaint against...
Summary EPIC will have multiple engagements in various sectors in the UK in lieu of safer gambling week Lived experiences will be at the heart of EPIC’s upcoming activities EPIC aims to take the problem out of gambling and has been working all year round to achieve that goal Safer Gambling Week in the UK...
Summary Minister Damian Collins asserted that the UKGC did not inform his department of the Commission’s view on the PHE report The PHE report, published in 2021, included cost estimates of the societal impact of gambling harms The UKGC said the PHE’s cost estimates were not reliable The UK Gambling Commission (UKGC) is accused of...
Summary GamCare releases new Gambling Education Framework New framework is a result of collaboration between GamCare, Fast Forward and YGAM New framework is completely free of any gambling industry influence or funding While the UK gambling industry continues to wait patiently for the promised Whitepaper to be released, GamCare and its partners have come together...
Summary Women in the UK are gambling more due to the cost-of-living crisis The new research warns of a potential increase in problem gambling among women GambleAware has launched a campaign aimed at protecting women and ending the stigma surrounding gambling The current cost-of-living crisis in the UK could drive more women into problem gambling,...
Summary Allwyn and Camelot were in a legal tussle over the handover of the UK National Lottery Camelot has now decided to withdraw its lawsuit Allwyn has welcomed the news and will drop its charges against Camelot Camelot, the current license holder of the UK National Lottery had filed a lawsuit against Allwyn who was...
Summary GamCare survey shows that 38% of UK parents who are problem gamblers bought their kids scratchcards The younger parents are the ones more likely to play scratchcards with their children GamCare said exposing children to gambling at an early age could lead them to addiction Exposure to gambling at a young age may lead...
Summary Entain was forced to pay a record £17 million for breaching AML and safer gambling laws It is the second regulatory settlement for the operator in three years The UKGC warns that the gambling giant could lose its licence over serious failures Entain has been slapped with a record £17 million fine over multiple...
Summary The latest figures from the UKGC show online and retail GGY up 1% and 6% respectively Year-on-year comparisons shouldn’t be made due to differing operating circumstances Operators are reminded of their responsible gambling obligations despite the fall in problem gambling rate Online gambling operators in the UK reported a slight increase in total gross...
Summary IBAS is calling for the establishment of a Gambling Ombudsman as part of the Gambling Act review IBAS says its experience and expertise in handling gambling complaints make it the most qualified for the role The organization has been resolving gambling disputes for the past 25 years The establishment of a Gambling Ombudsman could...
Summary The massive win took place on July 19, and came with a £195 million windfall The lucky winner has so far preferred to kept their identity anonymous A US lottery jackpot worth $361,527 was also won and shared by friends this week A UK resident has made history after winning the biggest lottery jackpot...